Game manual for Vortoj
- Go here:
- Register: Enter your email address and choose a password to log in
Launching the game:
- Log in at
Setting up the game (to be done once):
Go to OPTIONS, where you can set up:- Players – here you can create a player profile, view the analysis of individual players (score, average score)
- GENERAL – background color, full screen mode, whether there will be a time limit in the game
- SOUND – volume, on / off music and sound effects
- CONTROL – what buttons will be used to control the game on the keyboard, game console
- GAME MODES – here, for each game mode, you can set how many questions and words there will be in one running game, the duration of the questions, the spacing between questions, falling words during the mode – the speed of falling words...
- In the top right corner, set the language in which the game menu will be displayed
Select the PLAYERS button and set the individual players – player1, player2
- Start by creating a player profile (name, profile picture, colour) – click CONFIRM +. You can create as many profiles as you want.
PLAY – the setting up done, you can start the game itself (there you choose a target language, a category, the game mode, your input and the difficulty)
- choose the language in which the vocabulary will be practiced
- choose a category of vocabulary: animals, numbers, sports,...
- choose a game mode: falling words, spelling, image-word, gap filling, sound-word, adventure (Attention: not every category offers all game modes!)
- Input – choose whether to use dancepads, keyboard or gamepad
- easy – only one foot is used to jump on the dance mat – left, right, up, down
- medium – jumping with two legs up-down or left-right at the same time
- heavy – jumping with one leg in all eight directions
- very difficult – jumps with two legs in any two directions
- START – launches the game itself
First, you will see a list of the words that will be practiced in the game. You can take your time to read the words, then whenever you are ready click on Start and play.
After jumping on the corresponding arrows, a picture of the player who chose that option will appear next to the selected word. Player 1 on the left side of the word and player 2 on the right side of the word. At the end of the time limit, the correct word or picture is colored green.
At the end of the game, a scoreboard will appear with the correct answers highlighted in green.
In the section LEADERBOARDS – you can see the success rate of players in each category.
We wish you a successful jumping through the vocabulary!
The Vortoj team
Mod-mod permainan
Gambar – perkataan
Perkataan audio
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